• Have you ever been hurt?
    Have you ever been abandoned?
    Have you ever been truly scared?
    Have you ever felt you don't belong here?
    Have you ever felt like you don't have a home?
    Have you ever felt you don't have a chance?

    From the moment of birth we are already dying
    Death is the only true salvation
    Through death man is reborn
    Like a butterfly is born out of a caterpillar...

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  • "I wasn't born with enough middle fingers..."

                                               Marilyn Manson.

    6 commentaires
  • <script language="javascript" src="http://www.neoworx.net/neoboard/board.php?user_id=14218"> </script>

    1 commentaire
  • "Love is suicide..."

                                     Billy corgan.

    4 commentaires
  • "All this life is only a dream and I hope one day turning back to my carpathian castles..."


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